Our Product Liability Cover protects manufacturers, sellers, vendors and distributors from legal liabilities arising from placing defective products or merchandise into the marketplace.


This coverage ensures financial protection against claims of bodily injury or property damage caused by defects in products.

Scope of Coverage

Product Liability Insurance covers financial damages resulting from

Manufacturing Production Flaw

Issues arising from errors or defects in the manufacturing process that render the product unsafe for its intended use.

Design Defect

Flaws in the product’s design that make it inherently unsafe even when manufactured correctly.

Defective Warnings or Instructions

Failures in providing adequate instructions or warnings about the product’s proper use or potential risks.

Strict Liability

Legal responsibility for harm caused by a defective product, regardless of fault.

Marketing and Distribution

Covers liabilities associated with how the product is marketed or distributed.

Cover Benefits

  • Legal Fees

    Coverage for legal defense costs incurred by the insured in defending against liability claims

  • Medical Costs

    Compensation for medical expenses incurred by injured parties due to the defective product

  • Compensatory Damages

    Financial compensation awarded to injured parties for damages suffered due to the defective product

  • Business Damages

    Coverage for financial losses suffered by businesses as a result of product liability claims

Additional Considerations

Risk Management

Implement quality control measures and thorough product testing to minimize the risk of product defects and liability claims.


Ensure compliance with safety standards and regulations relevant to your industry to mitigate product liability risks.

Our comprehensive coverage and expert risk management services ensure that your business is protected against the financial consequences of product-related liabilities.

Download Center

Proposal Forms

Download our proposal forms here

Claim Forms

Download our claim forms here