In the realm of commercial and mechanized farming, the use of specialized machinery is essential for efficient operations.
We offer Agricultural Vehicles insurance to protect farming machinery such as tractors, combine harvesters and other relevant equipment used in agricultural activities.
This policy also extends coverage to include ATVs (All-Terrain Vehicles), quad bikes and motor vehicles specifically used on the farm.

Scope of Coverage
This policy covers a variety of agricultural vehicles used in farming operations, including but not limited to:
Combine Harvesters
ATVs (All-Terrain Vehicles)
Quad Bikes
Motor Vehicles
Cover Benefits
Accidental Damage
Protection against damages resulting from accidents during farming operations
Coverage in case of theft of agricultural vehicles
Fire Damage
Protection against damages caused by accidental fires
Third-Party Liability
Covers damages to third-party property or bodily injury caused by agricultural vehicles
Accessories Coverage
Protection for accessories and attachments used with the insured vehicles
Type of cover
Third Party Only
Third Party Fire & Theft (TPF & T)
Comprehensive Plan
Applicable, min. applies
Applicable, min. applies
Policy Excess
Third Party
Applicable, min. applies
Applicable, min. applies
Material Damage
Applicable, min. applies
Applicable, min. applies