The Contractor’s All Risks (C.A.R) policy provides comprehensive coverage for construction projects, including buildings and civil engineering works such as dams, roads, airports, railways, water supply systems, drainage systems and hydro projects.
This policy covers contract works, contractor’s plant and machinery, materials on-site and third-party liability for bodily injury and property damage arising from construction operations. Risks covered include flooding, storms, earthquakes, fire, explosions, inundation and theft of machinery, building equipment and materials.

Coverage Benefits
Covered Parties
Includes the project owner, general contractor, subcontractors and in some cases, suppliers of materials and equipment.
Comprehensive Coverage
Includes Machinery Breakdown, Plant All Risks, Erection All Risks, Electronic Equipment, Contractors Plant and Machinery, Boilers and Pressure Vessels.
Public Liability
Extends coverage for third-party property damage and third-party injuries related to the construction project.
Combination of Insurances
Covers the temporary and permanent works of the project, tools, equipment and construction machinery of the insured against any unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage from any cause, except those specifically excluded.
Financial Protection
Provides financial protection against loss or damage to the subject matter insured, including machinery and materials on-site.
Third-Party Legal Liabilities Protection
Offers protection against legal liabilities to third parties arising from the construction project.
Secure your construction project with our Contractors All Risk (C.A.R) Policy.