Your home is your sanctuary, a place of comfort and security. However, unexpected events can disrupt this peace. Our Domestic Package insurance is designed to protect your residential buildings, contents, domestic staff and personal effects from various risks

Scope of Coverage


Coverage for payment, reinstatement or repair of property damaged or destroyed.


Coverage for payment, replacement, reinstatement or repair of items damaged or destroyed.

All Risks

Coverage for payment, replacement, reinstatement or repair of property damaged, stolen or destroyed due to accidental occurrences. Ideal for mobile items such as mobile phones and laptops.

Employer Liability

Legal liability coverage for the employer in the event of death or bodily injury or disease to any domestic employee occurring during or arising in the course of employment.

Owners Liability

This section covers the owner of the residential property against legal liability of third parties for death, accidental bodily injury and accidental loss of or damage to their property while at the private dwelling house due to the negligence of the owner of the residential premises.

Occupiers Liability

This section covers the occupier of the residential property against legal liability of third parties for death, accidental bodily injury and accidental loss of or damage to their property while at the private dwelling house due to the negligence of the occupier of the residential premises.

Cover Benefits

  • Protection against fire, lightning, thunderstorms, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions

  • Coverage for explosions and riots, strikes and civil commotion

  • Protection against malicious damage caused by any person other than a member of the insured’s household

  • Option to extend coverage to include flood at an extra fee

  • Coverage for aircraft or aerial devices or any article dropped therefrom

  • Protection against bursting overflowing or escape of water from tanks, pipes and other apparatus

  • Coverage for theft accompanied by actual forcible and violent break-in or out of the buildings or any attempt thereof.

  • Coverage for impact with the buildings by vehicles, trees and aerial objects

  • Protection against wind, storm or tempest (including floods and overflow of the sea)

  • Coverage for loss of rent or cost of alternative accommodation

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Proposal Forms

Download our proposal forms here

Claim Forms

Download our claim forms here